Linda Strowbridge, Content Director

Linda has built her career around a passion for good stories, a tendency to find them almost everywhere and a drive to make other people care about those stories too. As a reporter for print and broadcast outlets, a feature writer, magazine editor, documentary producer, book researcher and freelance business writer, Linda has covered a wide variety of topics. They range from high-tech startups to the collapse of fishing industries, and include the built environment, homeland security, healthcare, education, justice, energy, environmental issues, the green economy, public policy, and the lives of innovators, thought leaders, entrepreneurs and other creatives.

A native of Newfoundland, Canada, Linda earned a degree in political science and English from Memorial University of Newfoundland and a journalism degree from the University of King’s College. She lives in Baltimore County with her husband and cats. In her spare time, she often hunkers down in her studio to create pieces of fiber art, which she has exhibited in Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and Asia.